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My name is Grace Tang Qi En. I'm a Year 3 Retail Merchandising student in Temasek Polytechnic (TP). I have been passionate about fashion ever since I was at a very young age about 6 to 7 years old. This is what made me take up this course and decide on this career path. One if my biggest values in life is to have passion. I believe that people can only do things well if it is done with their heart. I believe that my passion in this field can push me to greater heights and act as the biggest motivation to do well in the future. 


My motto in life is, "live everyday as if it's your last." This is why I always make sure that I put in the maximum amount of effort in things I do so that I do not regret it later on. 


I have different aesthetic styles so I am very versatile, but 2 of my favourites are collaged on the right.


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